The Ultimate MCS Accreditation Service

Renewable Heat key part of energy bill

Ed Davey

Ed Davey has confirmed that the UK's carbon targets cannot be achieved without the support of low-carbon heat and confirmed that Renewable Heat will form a key part of his new Energy Bill due to be announced within the coming weeks.

Although the Energy Bill will primarily focus on electricity generation as is widely expected, Heat is also a key part to it.

"I don't apologise for focusing on electricity in the Energy Bill. In the hackneyed phrase, it keeps the lights on. And the challenges we face in electricity generation are crucial ones. But I am not for a moment losing sight of the fact that almost half of the final energy consumed in the UK is used to provide heat," Ed Davey said.

The domestic Renewable Heat Incentive is one of the key policies due to launch in Spring 2013 which will reward homeowners who generate heat using renewable technologies such as Heat Pumps, Biomass and Solar Thermal. Alongside this, is the Green Deal which launched on October 1st and is expected to snowball following the January 28th initial Green Deal Installations.

For further details on achieving MCS Accreditation as a Renewable Heat Installer please contact our MCS Advice team on 0800 882 4309.

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